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Zdravo svima! Da znam,dugo me nije bilo ovde i neću sada tražiti izgovore zašto nisam postavljala ništa na blogu,jednostavno nisam imala želju za pisanjem u poslednje vreme...

Hello everyone!  Yes I know, I was gone for a long time here and I will not look for excuses why I didn't post anything on the blog, I just didn't have a desire to write lately ...

Do pre mesec dana sam se osećala jako čudno i osećala sam se jako usamljeno. U školi su odjednom svi počeli da me izbegavaju,bukvalno sam svaki dan bila sama na odmorima i htela sam da se družim sa nekim,ali niko nije hteo da se druži sa mnom.Mislila sam da će biti bolje ako se zatvorim u sobu i ne razgovaram ni sa kim medjutim,pričala sam sa roditeljima i prijateljima i rekli su mi da su prošli kroz tu fazu. I znam da vam zvuči malo čudno,ali svi ćemo proći kroz takve faze kada nećemo imati nikoga sa svoje strane i moraćemo da se izborimo sa tim. Meni je tada pomogla drugarica da shvatim da uvek sam sebi moraš biti na prvom mestu i da ne treba da dozvoliš da te reči drugih povredjuju. Znam da dosta vas ima koji sada prolazite kroz to,pa sam zato odlučila da pišem malo ozbiljnije teme na blogu,jer znam da će makar jednoj osobi biti od pomoći. 

Until a month ago I felt very strange and I felt very lonely. At school, all of a sudden,my friends started avoiding me, literally every day I was on lunch break alone and I wanted to hang out with someone, but no one wanted to hang out with me.I thought that it will be better if i spend every day in my room and not talking with anyone,but then I talked with my parents and friends and they told me that they went through that phase. And I know it sounds a little strange, but we will all go through such phases, when we will not have anyone to our side and we will have to deal with it. At that timr my friend helped me to realize that I always have to come first and that we should not let others to hurt us. I know a lot of you have to go through this now,so I decided to write about this on my blog,because I know that this will help someone.

Znam da dosta tinejdžera,pogotovo devojaka, na žalost razmišlja kako bi ovaj svet bio bolji bez njih i kako nikome nisu bitni... BITNI STE,BITNI STE VAŠIM RODITELJIMA,BRATU,SESTRI,PRIJATELJIMA I MENI! Ako vam ne govore da ste im bitni to ne znači da misle tako. Bitni ste,svako od vas je bitan i ne dozvolite da tudje reči utiču na vas. Živimo u svetu u kom je sramota reći nekome da mu se svidjaš,da ga voliš,da ga zagrliš,a nije sramota kada izvredjaš najboljeg druga i drugaricu,kada ga nazivaš svakakvim imenima,to nije sramota?
Zamislite kako bi se vaši roditelji osećali bez vas...nikako. Sada smo u periodu kada nas svaka reč povredi,kada i lepe reči i komplimente protumačimo na pogrešan način. Ostanite,jer ste bitni i borite se,ne dozvolite da oni pobede,budite srećni u inat njima,jer ih vaša sreća boli,pa povredite i vi njih kao što su i oni vas tako što ćete nabaciti jedan ogroman smeh na vaše lepo lice. Uživajte u detinjstvu i ne razmišljajte o budućnosti i o prošlosti,jer ne znate šta donosi sutra,a ono što je bilo ne može da se vrati,ali možete da uživate u svakom trenutku! 

I know that a lot of teenagers, especially girls, unfortunately considering how would this world be better without them and that they don't matter... You matter, You matter to your parents, brother, sister, friends and ME! If somebody don't tells you that they don't love you that does not mean that they think so. You matter, each of you is important and do not let what other people say affect you. We live in a world in which it is a shame to tell someone that you like him, you love him, to hug him, but not a shame when you hurt your best friend,when you call him ugly, it is not a shame? Imagine how your parents would feel without you ... terrible. Now we are in a period when we are very sensitive, when the kind words and compliments interpret incorrectly. Stay, because you matter, and fight, do not allow them to win, be happy in spite of them, because your happiness is hurting them,so hurt them as they hurted you,hurt them with your  huge smile on your beautiful face. Enjoy childhood and do not think about the future and the past, because you do not know what tomorrow brings, and you can't change past, but you can enjoy every moment!

Volim vas,važni ste to je sve što treba da zapamtite,ako vam smeta nešto popričajte sa roditeljima ili školskim psihologom,nije sramota i ne treba da se stidite. Promenite ovaj svet,borite se jer ste BITNI!
Ako želite da pričate sa nekim slobodno možete da mi se obratite na mom instagram profilu @ljubomorna_sam_na_sve i uvek ću biti tu za vas!
I biće bolje,uvek bude bolje! Meni je bolje to je ono što treba da zapamtite i trudite se dok ne dodje taj dan kada ćete pobediti!
Želim da se zahvalim najboljoj drugarici i roditeljima koji su mi pomogli da prebrodim ovaj period♥

Ako vam je ovaj post bio od pomoći i ako želite da još pišem o nekim ozbiljnim temama pišite mi u komentarima!

                                             VOLIM VAS SVE♥♥♥♥

I love you, you are important, this is all you need to remember, if something is wrong talk with parents or school psychologist, you do not have to be ashamed. Change this world, fight because you matter! If you want to talk to someone you can feel free to contact me on my instagram profile @ljubomorna_sam_na_sve  I will always will be there for you! It will be better,  it is always better! I got  better, this is what to remember and try to wait until that day ,day when you will win! I wanna thank my bff and my parents for helping me through this time♥

If this post was helpful, and if you want me to write more about some serious subjects, let me know in the comments!

                                                      LOVE YOU ALL♥♥♥


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